Designing your PrimePort profile page

A guide to designing your profile page on the PrimePort Marketplace

In this section, we'll guide you through customising your profile page. This is the place where other users can see your NFTs and info about you, the collector or artist.

Firstly, connect your wallet to the PrimePort website. Once connected press the profile icon in the top right corner and select 'Edit Profile'.

At the top of the page, you can edit your cover photo which is the banner displayed across the top of your profile.

Next is your profile image. This is the image that is front and centre of your profile whenever someone visits it so make it a good one.

Next is the Username section, which is what you want to call your profile.

Next up is your bio where you can choose to tell the world about yourself, your thoughts about NFTs or whatever you want.

Email address is the next section and this isn't public information. This is purely for PrimePort to be able to send you an email notification if there are any bids on your NFTs or if an NFT you put up for sale has been sold etc

The final section is where you can place all your links. Twitter, Facebook, Discord, Instagram, and your website.

Once you've finished editing all the above make sure you hit the 'Update Profile' button which will save all the information you've just added.

Congratulations! You're PrimePort profile now looks great so be sure to keep it fresh and up to date.

Last updated