Follow the Prime Numbers ecosystem

Thank you for taking the time to read our GitBook about the PrimePort marketplace. We have a wealth of information you can access regarding the rest of the Prime Numbers ecosystem. Check out all the below...


Check out our websites that are a part of the Prime Numbers ecosystem. - This is the main Prime Numbers website for the ecosystem. - This is the staking website for your staking NFTs. - This is the website for our NFT marketplace which is called PrimePort

The Whitepaper...

Click here to read our whitepaper

Follow Us...

You can follow us on social media in several places.

Twitter - @PrimeNumbersFi - This is the main Twitter account for the Prime Numbers ecosystem

Twitter - @PrimeFinanceXYZ - This is the Twitter account for our borrowing and lending protocol which is called PrimeFinance

Twitter - @PrimePortXYZ - This is the Twitter account for the NFT marketplace which is called PrimePort

Medium - @PrimeNumbersFi - This is our account on Medium. We post most of our written content here so be sure to check it out as there's plenty more for you to read.

YouTube - @PrimeNumbersLabs - This is our account on YouTube. You'll find lots of video tutorials for our ecosystem along with our quarterly stats show.

Our Community...

Prime Numbers Community Forum - Click here to join our Prime Numbers Community Forum

Telegram Chat - Click here to join our Telegram chat community

Telegram Announcements - Click here to join our Telegram Announcements channel

Welcome to our community! Thanks for reading.

Last updated